The Booneslick Trail Quilters' Guild consists of all kinds
of quilters. Some have years of experience. Some are just
interested. Some are die-hard hand piecers and
hand-quilters. Some machine piece and machine quilt. There's
room for all varieties of quilters. If you are interested,
come visit at one of our meetings. If you like what you see
and experience, you're invited to join. View/Download our BTQG Phamplet Here.
Meeting Place, Dates, & Times
Meetings are held at the Fairview United Methodist Church
3200 Chapel Hill Road, Columbia, MO 65203.
The Day Chapter meets at 1:00 pm on the 1st Monday of each
month. (church opens at 9:30 am for sit and sew and munch)
The Starlight Piecemakers Evening Chapter meets at 7:00 pm on
the 1st Thursday of each month.
Keeping In Touch: We have a new guild email address (BTQGquilters@gmail.com).
